Merry Christmas! It's been a great week; Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, it started it with a bang and has been gliding high since. (Unfortunately, I forgot my camera Sunday, although photos of the exhibit weren't allowed anyway.)
First, a “Christmas Card” of old internet standards: Happy Christmas All & One!!. (To those who do not celebrate Christmas, please accept this Winter Solstice Greeting in the spirit in which it is intended.)
The least fun thing about the week has been the weather; it's definitely winter now! Here are some fresh Christmas Day photos for my out-of-state friends...
You can see my tracks in the snow leading down to the street. My place extends, on the left, from where the wall goes up to the higher level, to that small white partition, on the right. (Fairly narrow, but deep.) The front door is to the right around the garage (see below).
It's a pretty grey, gloomy Christmas day. (Too cloudy for fireworks. :-) The streets are plowed, but still slushy ("greasy" as we say, and rightfully so—that shit is slippery!). This view is from the foot of my driveway looking west. The street you see veering off to the right ends just at bit further than you can see.
This view is also from the foot of my driveway, but looking east (towards the sunrise :-). You can see my mailbox cluster in the middle center. The access artery for my little neighborhood crosses at the end of the street. This is how I come and go.
Up the driveway and around to the right (the garage door is just to the left). See how high the snow is piled? That's not all because it's piled there from shoveling! (I did the shoveling here, but the association does have people that eventually come by and clear a walkable path.)
From the front door looking back out at the street. You can see, we got a fair bit of snow.
Okay, so maybe the fireplace is gas and you turn it on with a switch, but it's still nice, and it warms the room just fine. You can see the little stereo on the floor to the left. I originally bought it for work (when I was putting in long hours), but brought it home a few months ago. For now it sits on the floor and runs off my iTunes (380 albums and counting :-). The last couple days I've been listening to my Christmas music...Lotta Mannheim Steamroller plus some Lorrie Line, Jimmy Buffett and a couple various-artists albums.
You can see the storm watch on the TV. Originally the storm was midnight Wednesday until 6 AM Saturday. Then they started it early, 9 PM Wednesday, but now it looks like it might end midnight tonight (Friday). Regardless, the fridge is stocked, I have music and video; I'm set! I can even work at home all next week if I need (or want :-) to.