First, I've been thinking about, and talking to others about, this stuff a long time. I have a logical mind that's been interested in Science all my life. Any meta-physics I practice must fit into that life long foundation. On the other hand, I was raised in a Christian (Lutheran) context, so I must also acknowledge a life long foundation of Religion.
Second, I've had cause to wonder if it's possible my purpose in life is to express some of the things I've found in trying to reconcile my Scientific and Religious sides. Perhaps that's hubris or vanity, but as I look back on my life, if there is a purpose to my life, I clearly haven't found it.
So maybe this is just another search for meaning and purpose, just another website in the internet wilderness. But for whatever it's worth, here it is.
Which, for some reason, reminds me of one of my favorite Lily Thomlin lines: “Remember. No matter where you go... There you are.”
Third, I haven't touched this site in years (nearly six, in fact), so it's obvious my original plans for it have fallen by the wayside. That's largely be due to lack of time to manage the huge site I'd envisioned when I started back in the very late 90s. At some point the whole thing became too unwieldy, so progress bogged and eventually halted.
This time I intend to focus on the message and only publish a few things I want to say. (If the world notices and wants more, I'll cross that bridge then.)
This is very much a work in progress!
Some of the essays (usually the most recent ones at any given time) are rough drafts and very crude layouts of what I'm trying to say. I'm very much torn between letting the rough drafts see the light of day and waiting to publish until they're more polished, but in the end I've decided to just “go for it”.
Who knows, feedback from a reader may help polish an idea!
Also, as will become quite apparent as you read these essays, I certainly do have a point of view.
Yes, I do believe in God. I have no idea what God is, and I'm equally certain that neither does anyone else!
For me the answers to The Three Questions are: Almost certainly; Quite Possibly; and Beats Me, But Maybe.