Organized Religion

A Personal Essay

This essay is really just something I need to “get off my chest”. Belonging to a church has not been particularly beneficial to me–in fact, it's arguable it's been a very negative experience in my life. This essay attempts to explain why and what problems I see in Organized Religion in terms of ones own search for God.

To be blunt, I am not a fan of organized religion. I think that, like unions and governments, the idea is a good one, but the execution is often lacking.

I also think that ones personal relationship with God is just that: a personal relationship with God.

The Worldly Church

I consider the term “Worldly Church” to be an oxymoron.

Church Organizations are just that: organizations. And the first purpose of any organization is to survive.

There is also the aspect that Church Organizations are made of people, and as we all know: people are flawed.

The Social Good

This is not to say that I disregard churches or the idea of organized religion.

Church organizations do a lot of good in the world in pursuit of their various missions. And church-goers do tremendous good in pursuit of their own faith and beliefs.

The Religious Community

There is also the idea of a religious community.

By belonging to a church, one belongs to a community of like-minded individuals. One has a kind of extended family that is often vital to ones personal family. Uncounted families have survived because of the support provided by members of ones own church.

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