In the view of his car?
In the view of his car?
You have no idea.
Do you know who I am?
I'm the best of my kind.
I'm a Jeep Cherokee.
Don't you know what that means?
In the view of his car?
My tale's not a good one.
I was bought on a whim.
Always wanted a Jeep!
I'm a Grand Cherokee.
Don't you know what that means?
In the view of his car?
Well, what I saw was this.
Me traded in by an Owner who cared.
Not even cleaned, only been there since three.
Then they come along, the wife, kids and he.
Test drive, signed contract; new driveway for me.
I'm a Jeep Cherokee.
Since then my status has slipped a few pegs.
Gets me around; that is all that he cares.
At least I get gas and checks 'neath the hood.
(A bath now and then would be very good.)
I'm dented, I'm rusting, my glass is cracked.
My tabs and his license needs be renewed.
One-twenty K miles; could go many more.
Could change be in sight; a trade in again?
In the view of his car?
No, it just can't be done.
To him just a car; not his avatar.
I'm a Jeep Cherokee.
Don't you know what that means?
© 2008 Chris from MN
A late entry for "Write from the Point Of View of your car". (I sat down to write something else, and this came out.)