Python Applications

Various applications I've made for myself…

pf.pyProcess File
Various simple file utilities. — Sub-directories
Scan and report (in various ways) on directories and sub-directories. — Text search with regex
Scans text files in directories and sub-directcories for a match to a regular expression.
Searches defined in an XML configuration file. File has multiple searches; keyed by name at run time.
Uses the xml_grep (and, thus, xml_sax) library modules. — Binary-to-HTML
Generate an HTML file from a binary file (creates a hex dump). — TAB-to-HTML
Generate an HTML file from a TAB-delimited text file (creates a <TABLE> from the data). — HTML Template
Generate an HTML file from an HTML template file plus a “data bag” defined in an XML file. — Python-to-HTML
Generate syntax-colored HTML files from Python source code files.
All the source code pages here were made by this utility. — Web-Calendar
Generate an HTML Year Calendar (for any year).
Used these to generate all these calendars. — Doc-to-HTML
Generate HTML files from __DOC__ strings in Python modules. — Simple Webpage Getter.
Retrieve an http URL and save it to a disk file. Doesn't handle https or redirects or anything else even slightly fancy. (Good for grabbing a page or image, though.)