Copyright © 1996 Harvey Bingham
The SGML syntactic variables are defined in the productions from the body of the ISO 8879 standard. Their contents and usage are given in the SGML Syntax Summary. In this alphabetic list appear three items:
The syntactic variable name is that defined in the SGML Syntax Summary. The [production number] is linked to the definition therein of that syntactic variable. The {subclause, page:line} locator refers to the subclause from ISO 8879, repeated in both the Syntax Summary, and in The SGML Handbook by Charles Goldfarb; to which also the page:line refer.
added function[187]{13.4.4, 462:10}
application-specific information[199]{13.6, 474:27}
associated element type[72]{10.1.5, 377:1}
associated notation name[149.1]{, 428:5}
attribute definition[143]{11.3, 421:1}
attribute definition list[142]{11.3, 420:25}
attribute definition list declaration[141]{11.3, 420:15}
attribute name[144]{11.3.2, 421:14}
attribute specification[32]{7.9, 327:19}
attribute specification list[31]{7.9, 327:17}
attribute value[35]{7.9.4, 333:1}
attribute value literal[34]{7.9.3, 331:4}
attribute value specification[33]{7.9.3, 331:1}
base character set[174]{, 453:12}
base document element[11]{7.2, 306:13}
base document type declaration[9]{7.1, 303:12}
base set character number[178]{, 454:21}
bracketed text[107]{10.5.4, 399:1}
capacity set[180]{13.2, 456:2}
character[49]{9.2, 344:5}
character data[47]{9.2, 344:1}
character data entity[5.1]{6.3, 300:1}
character description[176]{, 454:11}
character number[64]{9.5, 357:1}
character reference[62]{9.5, 356:1}
character set description[173]{13.1.1, 453:1}
comment[92]{10.3, 391:7}
comment declaration[91]{10.3, 391:1}
concrete syntax[182]{13.4, 458:1}
concrete syntax changes[202]{, 490:5}
concrete syntax scope[181]{13.3, 457:4}
concrete syntaxes supported[201]{15.6.1, 489:12}
connector[131]{, 413:4}
content[24]{7.6, 320:1}
content model[126]{11.2.4, 410:1}
content token[128]{11.2.4, 410:17}
data attribute specification[149.2]{, 428:20}
data character[48]{9.2, 344:3}
data tag group[133]{, 415:16}
data tag padding template[137]{, 416:28}
data tag pattern[134]{, 416:9}
data tag template[136]{, 416:26}
data tag template group[135]{, 416:16}
data text[106]{10.5.3, 397:14}
declared content[125]{11.2.3, 409:3}
declared value[145]{11.3.3, 422:6}
default value[147]{11.3.4, 425:1}
delimiter set[190]{13.4.6, 465:8}
described character set portion[175]{, 454:7}
described set character number[177]{, 454:19}
document character set[172]{13.1, 452:1}
document element[12]{7.2, 306:15}
document instance set[10]{7.2, 306:10}
document type declaration[110]{11.1, 403:1}
document type declaration subset[112]{11.1, 404:6}
document type name[111]{11.1, 404:4}
document type specification[28]{7.7, 325:1}
ds[71]{10.1.4, 376:1}
element[13]{7.3, 308:1}
element content[26]{7.6, 320:10}
element declaration[116]{11.2, 405:6}
element set[114]{11.1, 404:13}
element token[130]{11.2.4, 410:25}
element type[117]{11.2.1, 406:1}
empty end-tag[21]{, 318:5}
empty start-tag[16]{, 315:1}
end-tag[19]{7.5, 317:4}
end-tag minimization[124]{11.2.2, 408:8}
entity declaration[101]{10.5, 394:18}
entity name[102]{10.5.1, 395:1}
entity set[113]{11.1, 404:10}
entity text[105]{10.5.2, 396:18}
entity type[109]{10.5.5, 400:5}
exceptions[138]{11.2.5, 418:1}
exclusions[140]{, 419:8}
explicit link rule[166.1]{12.2.2, 445:1}
explicit link specification[158]{12.1.3, 436:8}
external entity specification[108]{10.5.5, 400:1}
external identifier[73]{10.1.6, 379:1}
feature use[195]{13.5, 471:4}
formal public identifier[79]{10.2, 382:1}
function character[54]{9.2.2, 346:8}
function character identification[186]{13.4.4, 461:6}
function class[188]{13.4.4, 462:12}
function name[63]{9.5, 356:6}
general delimiters[191]{, 466:1}
general entity name[103]{10.5.1, 395:4}
general entity name list[35.1]{7.9.4, 333:17}
general entity reference[59]{9.4.4, 350:17}
generic identifier[30]{7.8, 325:17}
generic identifier specification[29]{7.8, 325:14}
ID link set declaration[168.1]{12.2.3, 447:1}
id reference list[37]{7.9.4, 333:21}
id reference value[38]{7.9.4, 333:23}
id value[36]{7.9.4, 333:19}
implicit link specification[157]{12.1.2, 435:18}
inclusions[139]{, 418:11}
ISO owner identifier[81]{, 383:7}
ISO text description[87.1]{, 387:8}
link attribute set[162]{12.1.4, 437:7}
link attribute specification[166]{12.2.1, 443:16}
link rule[163.1]{12.2, 441:15}
link set declaration[163]{12.2, 441:6}
link set name[164]{12.2, 441:18}
link set specification[170]{12.3, 448:10}
link set use declaration[169]{12.3, 448:1}
link type declaration[154]{12.1, 434:1}
link type declaration subset[161]{12.1.4, 437:1}
link type features[197]{13.5.2, 472:29}
link type name[155]{12.1, 434:18}
map name[151]{11.5, 429:19}
map specification[153]{11.6, 430:19}
marked section[96]{10.4, 392:9}
marked section declaration[93]{10.4, 391:13}
marked section end[95]{10.4, 392:6}
marked section start[94]{10.4, 392:3}
markup character[51]{9.2.1, 345:4}
markup minimization features[196]{13.5.1, 471:12}
minimized end-tag[20]{7.5.1, 317:15}
minimized start-tag[15]{7.4.1, 314:9}
minimum data[77]{10.1.7, 381:8}
minimum data character[78]{10.1.7, 381:10}
minimum literal[76]{10.1.7, 381:1}
mixed content[25]{7.6, 320:6}
model group[127]{11.2.4, 410:6}
name[55]{9.3, 346:17}
name character[52]{9.2.1, 345:8}
name group[69]{10.1.3, 374:11}
name list[39]{7.9.4, 333:25}
name start character[53]{9.2.1, 346:3}
name token[57]{9.3, 347:3}
name token group[68]{10.1.3, 374:1}
name token list[40]{7.9.4, 333:29}
naming rules[189]{13.4.5, 463:3}
net-enabling start-tag[18]{, 316:11}
non-SGML data entity[6]{6.3, 300:7}
notation[146]{11.3.3, 423:13}
notation declaration[148]{11.4, 426:15}
notation identifier[149]{11.4, 427:1}
notation name[41]{7.9.4, 333:33}
null end-tag[23]{, 319:2}
number[56]{9.3, 347:1}
number list[42]{7.9.4, 333:35}
number of characters[179]{, 454:23}
number token[58]{9.3, 347:5}
number token list[43]{7.9.4, 334:2}
occurrence indicator[132]{, 413:20}
omitted tag minimization[122]{11.2.2, 408:1}
other content[27]{7.6, 320:14}
other features[198]{13.5.3, 473:28}
other prolog[8]{7.1, 303:8}
owner identifier[80]{10.2.1, 383:1}
parameter entity name[104]{10.5.1, 395:8}
parameter entity reference[60]{9.4.4, 350:22}
parameter literal[66]{10.1.2, 373:1}
primitive content token[129]{11.2.4, 410:20}
processing instruction[44]{8, 339:1}
prolog[7]{7.1, 303:1}
ps[65]{10.1.1, 372:1}
public concrete syntax[183]{13.4.1, 458:22}
public identifier[74]{10.1.6, 379:8}
public text class[86]{, 386:5}
public text description[87]{, 387:5}
public text designating sequence[89]{, 388:14}
public text display version[90]{, 390:1}
public text language[88]{, 388:1}
quantity set[194]{13.4.8, 470:1}
rank stem[120]{, 407:17}
rank suffix[121]{, 407:19}
ranked element[118]{, 407:1}
ranked group[119]{, 407:5}
reference end[61]{9.4.5, 352:29}
registered owner identifier[82]{, 384:8}
replaceable character data[46]{9.1, 343:1}
replaceable parameter data[67]{10.1.2, 373:8}
reserved name use[193]{13.4.7, 468:9}
result attribute specification[168]{12.2.2, 446:8}
result document type name[160]{12.1.3, 436:14}
result element specification[167]{12.2.2, 446:5}
s[5]{6.2.1, 297:23}
SDIF support[204]{15.6.3, 493:4}
SGML character[50]{9.2.1, 345:1}
SGML declaration[171]{13, 450:1}
SGML document[1]{6.1, 294:5}
SGML document entity[2]{6.2, 295:13}
SGML subdocument entity[3]{6.2, 296:1}
SGML text entity[4]{6.2, 296:5}
short reference delimiters[192]{, 467:1}
short reference mapping declaration[150]{11.5, 429:8}
short reference set[115]{11.1, 404:18}
short reference use declaration[152]{11.6, 430:10}
shunned character number identification[184]{13.4.2, 459:22}
simple link specification[156]{12.1.1, 435:1}
source document type name[159]{12.1.3, 436:12}
source element specification[165]{12.2.1, 443:1}
specific character data entity[5.2]{6.3, 300:4}
start-tag[14]{7.4, 314:1}
start-tag minimization[123]{11.2.2, 408:5}
status keyword[100]{10.4.2, 393:6}
status keyword specification[97]{10.4.2, 393:1}
syntax-reference character set[185]{13.4.3, 461:1}
system data[45]{8, 339:5}
system declaration[200]{15.6, 488:1}
system identifier[75]{10.1.6, 379:10}
text identifier[84]{10.2.2, 385:7}
ts[70]{10.1.3, 375:3}
unavailable text indicator[85]{10.2.2, 385:17}
unclosed end-tag[22]{, 318:12}
unclosed start-tag[17]{, 316:1}
unregistered owner identifier[83]{, 385:1}
validation services[203]{15.6.2, 491:8}
{omitted production number}[98]
{omitted production number}[99]
SGML Syntax Summary original 8 June 1988
Corrected 10 January 1992
Expanded and converted to HTML 26 Mar 1996
Updated 13 May 1996
Changed return mail 8 Nov 1996
Copyright restrictions:
This material may be used freely for the purposes of studying SGML
and promoting its application. This copyright notice shall be
included in any subsequent copies. The author reserves the right
to update this material and to determine the primary server on which it
is available.