elem.accessKey | Sets or returns the accesskey attribute of an element |
elem.addEventListener() | Attaches an event handler to the specified element |
elem.appendChild() | Adds a new child node, to an element, as the last child node |
elem.attributes | Returns a NamedNodeMap of an element's attributes |
elem.blur() | Removes focus from an element |
elem.childElementCount | Returns the number of child elements an element has |
elem.childNodes | Returns a collection of an element's child nodes (including text and comment nodes) |
elem.children | Returns a collection of an element's child element (excluding text and comment nodes) |
elem.classList | Returns the class name(s) of an element |
elem.className | Sets or returns the value of the class attribute of an element |
elem.click() | Simulates a mouse-click on an element |
elem.clientHeight | Returns the height of an element, including padding |
elem.clientLeft | Returns the width of the left border of an element |
elem.clientTop | Returns the width of the top border of an element |
elem.clientWidth | Returns the width of an element, including padding |
elem.cloneNode() | Clones an element |
elem.compareDocumentPosition() | Compares the document position of two elements |
elem.contains() | Returns true if a node is a descendant of a node, othwerwise false |
elem.contentEditable | Sets or returns whether the content of an element is editable or not |
elem.dir | Sets or returns the value of the dir attribute of an element |
elem.firstChild | Returns the first child node of an element |
elem.firstElementChild | Returns the first child element of an element |
elem.focus() | Gives focus to an element |
elem.getAttribute() | Returns the specified attribute value of an element node |
elem.getAttributeNode() | Returns the specified attribute node |
elem.getElementsByClassName() | Returns a collection of all child elements with the specified class name |
elem.getElementsByTagName() | Returns a collection of all child elements with the specified tag name |
elem.getFeature() | Returns an object which implements the APIs of a specified feature |
elem.hasAttribute() | Returns true if an element has the specified attribute, otherwise false |
elem.hasAttributes() | Returns true if an element has any attributes, otherwise false |
elem.hasChildNodes() | Returns true if an element has any child nodes, otherwise false |
elem.id | Sets or returns the value of the id attribute of an element |
elem.innerHTML | Sets or returns the content of an element |
elem.insertBefore() | Inserts a new child node before a specified, existing, child node |
elem.isContentEditable | Returns true if the content of an element is editable, otherwise false |
elem.isDefaultNamespace() | Returns true if a specified namespaceURI is the default, otherwise false |
elem.isEqualNode() | Checks if two elements are equal |
elem.isSameNode() | Checks if two elements are the same node |
elem.isSupported() | Returns true if a specified feature is supported on the element |
elem.lang | Sets or returns the value of the lang attribute of an element |
elem.lastChild | Returns the last child node of an element |
elem.lastElementChild | Returns the last child element of an element |
elem.namespaceURI | Returns the namespace URI of an element |
elem.nextSibling | Returns the next node at the same node tree level |
elem.nextElementSibling | Returns the next element at the same node tree level |
elem.nodeName | Returns the name of a node |
elem.nodeType | Returns the node type of a node |
elem.nodeValue | Sets or returns the value of a node |
elem.normalize() | Joins adjacent text nodes and removes empty text nodes in an element |
elem.offsetHeight | Returns the height of an element, including padding, border and scrollbar |
elem.offsetWidth | Returns the width of an element, including padding, border and scrollbar |
elem.offsetLeft | Returns the horizontal offset position of an element |
elem.offsetParent | Returns the offset container of an element |
elem.offsetTop | Returns the vertical offset position of an element |
elem.ownerDocument | Returns the root element (document object) for an element |
elem.parentNode | Returns the parent node of an element |
elem.parentElement | Returns the parent element node of an element |
elem.previousSibling | Returns the previous node at the same node tree level |
elem.previousElementSibling | Returns the previous element at the same node tree level |
elem.querySelector() | Returns the first child element that matches a specified CSS selector(s) of an element |
elem.querySelectorAll() | Returns all child elements that matches a specified CSS selector(s) of an element |
elem.removeAttribute() | Removes a specified attribute from an element |
elem.removeAttributeNode() | Removes a specified attribute node, and returns the removed node |
elem.removeChild() | Removes a child node from an element |
elem.replaceChild() | Replaces a child node in an element |
elem.removeEventListener() | Removes an event handler that has been attached with the addEventListener() method |
elem.scrollHeight | Returns the entire height of an element, including padding |
elem.scrollLeft | Sets or returns the number of pixels an element's content is scrolled horizontally |
elem.scrollTop | Sets or returns the number of pixels an element's content is scrolled vertically |
elem.scrollWidth | Returns the entire width of an element, including padding |
elem.setAttribute() | Sets or changes the specified attribute, to the specified value |
elem.setAttributeNode() | Sets or changes the specified attribute node |
elem.style | Sets or returns the value of the style attribute of an element |
elem.tabIndex | Sets or returns the value of the tabindex attribute of an element |
elem.tagName | Returns the tag name of an element |
elem.textContent | Sets or returns the textual content of a node and its descendants |
elem.title | Sets or returns the value of the title attribute of an element |
elem.toString() | Converts an element to a string |
| |
NodeList Properties and Methods |
nodelist.item() | Returns the node at the specified index in a NodeList |
nodelist.length | Returns the number of nodes in a NodeList |
| |