Philosphers have long recognized an inherent dualism in existence. It exists on many levels and in many modes:
Male | Female |
Light | Dark |
Hot | Cold |
Up | Down |
North | South |
East | West |
Left | Right |
Plus | Minus |
Wet | Dry |
Pro | Con |
Strong | Weak |
Fast | Slow |
The Chinese acknowledged the universality of dualism in the philosphy of the Yin and Yang.
It's also Newton's third law: “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
In more modern times, computers function with a Yin/Yang of their own: ones and zeros! And Information Theory is based on the idea that any information can be reduced to ones and zeros. One might even consider the dualism of General Relativity and Quantum Physics, two thus far unreconciled--but oddly accurate--views of reality. There's even dualism in the classic “light is a wave/light is a particle” conundrum.
Through it all is the fundamental idea of two components of being, and that neither is the whole picture–both are necessary.
I believe meta-physical reality is Yang to the Yin of physical reality.
Science explores and catalogs the physical reality. Science grows our knowledge about the physical world. Science is about the facts of this physical world.
One charactistic about science is that the facts it finds are true for everyone, they apply everywhere. They apply, not just here on earth, but–we believe–everywhere in the known universe. Gravity works the same for alien beings on distant worlds. Electricity works the same for them as for us.
The bottom line is that we can have certain Knowledge about our physical world.
But the meta-physical world seems out of range of our science and certain knowledge.
This leads many to the conclusion that it does not, cannot, exist.
Yet most of us commonly, routinely accept at least some matters “on faith”. Believing in the love of a spouse or loved one, for example, is a matter of faith. There is no scientific test for love, no way to prove beyond doubt that love exists.
But we do often accept that someone loves us. This is a matter of Faith.
If we do accept the premise of a meta-physical reality, then perhaps it must be through faith. The very definition of meta-physics strongly suggest that science is the wrong tool to explore it. Science explores the physical world, so something else is required for the meta-physical world.
The idea that science could prove or disprove the idea of God is–to me–absurd. The idea that knowledge applies to the search for God is absurd. Something else is required.