Theists (who believe in a God or Gods) and Atheists (who don't) depend on their Faith in the nature of reality.
Theists have Faith there is a God, whereas Atheists have Faith there is no God. But despite believing in the opposite, both base their view on a belief that is unproven scientifically.
The only truly honest intellectual position is to be Agnostic and admit that you just don't know!
It is probably impossible for Science to ever prove–or disprove– the reality of God. (At least, I believe that to be the case–see the previous essay.) We can say that Science has not answered the question as of yet.
The best theories are those proven false, because something proven false can be carved in stone. The door the theory tried to open is closed forever.
For example, if you have a theory that all swans are white, the instant you see a black swan, you know your theory is false. If all you have seen so far is white swans, you can not be 100% certain your theory is true (because you can never be sure the next swan won't be black).
So far, the theory that “God Exists” has been neither proven nor disproven. The problem is that we don't know how to test meta-physics with the physics upon which Science is grounded. We have not found God anywhere we've looked, but that just means God isn't in those places. There may be a black swan, so to speak, in the next place we look.
Obviously, this doesn't in any way prove that God (or black swans) do exist.
We may not be finding them because they don't exist. The point is, so far, Science has no factual answer on the matter.
(And, as I wrote in the last essay, I think science can not either prove or disprove the theory of God. It is quite simple the wrong tool for the task.)
Given that Science can't help answer the question, those who believe that God definitely does not exist are making a leap of Faith.
And it's a leap not unlike believing that God does exist. Both are choices about the nature of reality.
It might seem that Atheism is more logical, because it's easy to believe in Science—Science is here and immediate. However, there are many fundamental unanswered questions in Science and even some contradictions, so we know Science doesn't fully describe reality.
For one example, two well-tested basic theories, General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, are at odds with each other; both can't be right. For another example, we so far have no idea what “consciousness” is or why time works as it does (or even what it is). For yet another example, to science, nothing came before the Big Bang. You can't even ask the question!
There is much yet to be discovered and much we don't understand even a little! This seems to me to suggest that our Science represents a narrow view of reality. Given this narrow view and the many unanswered questions, it seems premature to hold that Science even suggests, let alone proves, God doesn't exist.
Which all puts Atheism on pretty much the same footing–Faith-wise–with Theism!
I'll even go so far as to say that some level of Theism makes more sense logically than Atheism.
Consider the seeming impossibility of answering such questions as “where did it all start” and “why is it here”? The questions of beginning and meaning would seem to be out of reach for Science. It would seem easier to believe in Creators and Purpose than in Coincidence and “Just Is”.
All of reality “Just Is”??
All of this “Just Happened”??